24/7 Emergency Services

Job completed for Maple Place Woods Condominium Association

Completion date: October 9, 2018

Location: West Bloomfield, MI

Why did the customer contact us?

A car lost control and ran into a condominium causing extensive damage to the building. Then the car caught on fire causing smoke and water damage to 3 units totaling approximately 3,600 sq. ft. of damage. Concraft secured the site and restored the 3 units to pre-loss condition.

Solutions provided:

Concraft was called to the scene after a car ran into a condominium, causing extensive damages to the building. Eventually, the car ignited and caused smoke and water damage to 3 units. Concraft cleaned and secured the site, then restored the 3 units to pre-loss condition. The damaged units totaled approximately 3,600 sq. ft.

Team members on this project:

Bob Majewski, Aneil Kersey

Photos & Videos:

Maple Place Woods Condominium Association 1
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Maple Place Woods Condominium Association 1
Maple Place Woods Condominium Association 2
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Maple Place Woods Condominium Association 2